Hanging pictures may seem like an easy and simple task, but it’s not. Do not just put the nail on the wall. Several aspects should be taken into place: the ideal height, the harmony of the environment, the colors of the frame, and if several frames were to make a combination, should be choosen how best to hang them for excellent results.

On darker walls, the frames should be on light colors so that the contrast can be seen.

There are a few tips for successfully hanging your frames:

  • Before using the drill to drill the wall, make sure that there are no hydraulic pipes passing through;
  • If there is already a wire behind the frame, this measurement should be discounted below the marking;
  • Hang the frame so that when sitting do not hit the head. The average height is 63in between the ground and the middle of the frame;
  • Use a piece of tape to beat the hammer with the nail so that the wall does not break nor stoff;
  • If you have many different pieces and do not know how to start the wall, the tip is, with colored paper, make the molds of the pieces, cutting the paper, and having these molds on the wall, which will make it easier to see the pictures on the wall, and the risk of error is lower;
  • Make your home even more decorated with these hanging-frame tips! If you still have questions, please let us know that we will be ready for this mission!

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